Saturday, December 09, 2006

Putting the "Production" into film production

This semester has had some ups and downs in my Film Production class.

We have had a semester-long project where we write, cast, shoot, edit, and then present a (very) short film project.

My group has definitely had it's flakey moments though, which have been driving me crazy. I'm talking times when we all planned to meet up and work on something, and then I'm the only one who goes and ends up trying to call others to only find out that they decided not to meet for whatever reason.

I was able, however, to take solace the other day when our professor scolded another group (who I thought had been way ahead of the class) because they were way behind.

This Wednesday is our deadline and we will be graded on whatever we have on disc. I'm a little nervous because there's more editing to be done and as of now, that responsibility lies on one person. Wish me luck because I'm a little nervous!!

My Media Writing class, although, is a totally different story. I've really enjoyed that class the whole semester and the group work that we've done has actually been - dare I say! - enjoyable! I got back my first several pages of my script (our final project is a 30-pg screenplay) and my professor gave me an 'A-' saying "Very witty + sophisticated" :D

That was a huge boost for me especially since I felt ok about what I had turned in, but not great. It was an A- though because there are of course some things I need to be careful with. I have to finish writing this script though by next Friday!

.....and the final rush to the finish line begins.

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